This weekend my hubby and I went to a wedding. Now since we had never met the bride, but have known the groom for many years, I decided to watch the groom. The bride had kept everything a secret from her beloved and he had no idea what her dress would be like or how her hair would be done, etc. We saw the groom before the
ceremony and he was calm , yet ready to get things over with.
He watched his bride's friends come down the isle with smiles and nods-he laughed at his tomboy sister all dress up (she looked beautiful by the way). When the back doors of the church closed a seriousness came over his face and his eyes ever so focused --waited. As the organ started playing, "Here comes the Bride", everyone rose and the doors slowly opened the groom's intensity grew. The second he saw his Bride-his breath was literal taken away and he
inhaled deeply --as he
exhaled his eyes filled with complete joy (tears too, I think) and the biggest smile spread
across his face. He didn't or couldn't take his eyes off her as she walked down towards him. The closer she got the bigger his smile and his eyes filled with love!
It was amazing to see this man behold his woman for the first time that day!
I started thinking how we are the Bride of Christ and He waits to be with us eternally. Are His eyes filled with joy and love? Does a smile spread
across His face? Am I as the Bride focused on Christ my groom; walking towards Him?
It was a day that filled both my husband and I with many warm feelings of new love and reminders of our vows to each other and to our Lord and Savior...